Why Your First Date Should be a Video Date
The recent COVID-19 pandemic outbreak forces us to stay home and at least 6 feet apart from each other. These measures greatly impacted our ways of dating in general, forcing us to adapt ourselves and rethink ways of dating. Meeting at a pub, park, or any public spaces not being an option, video calls are emerging as the go-to solution for a first date.
Where one can see it as an ephemeral solution, I’m seeing it as the future of the first date, here is why:
Filter the potential candidates
While a video call will never replace real-life human interactions, it allows us to share way more than simple text messages: facial expression, voice, smile, and emotions making the virtual encounter paradoxically more real.
It’s the perfect setup to get to know more your date, ask them questions, and get a feel about their reaction: try to understand what kind of people they are.
Is the conversation flowing? Does this call make you want to discover more about them? If yes, chances are that the real-life second date will be a good one!
Your time is valuable
Picture this: you have a date with your virtual crush, you get yourself ready (30 mins), you both meet at a pub halfway through (30 mins again), and of course you can add up the date length itself that can be from 30 minutes up to 5 hours 🤯.
Would you be ready to lose anywhere between 2h to 6h of your precious time for the first soul met online?
Once again video dating drastically reduces the time you allocate to the date as you are doing it from the comfort of your home!
Save some money
I’m not the greedy type of person, but think about it: how much dating life is costing you?
Uber rides, public transportation, drinks, tickets, or even food can stack up quite quickly. On average the cost of the average first date is $75. So do a favour to you and your wallet, limit real-world dates to those that are worth the price!
What will you do with all this saved money?
Better date conditions
I’m personally not shy but a date, especially a first one, always generates some sort of stress and it’s normal! You have to worry about your outfit, date’s location, being on time and whether or not the date will go well.
Also, most of the dates I’ve had happened in noisy places like pubs or events around the city where hearing and understanding each other can be very challenging (not to mention my massive accent they have to cope with).
Compared to real-life dates, remote ones remove most of those stressful aspects. Doing it from the comfort of your home, in a safe place, helps you focus on what matters most: having a nice conversation and getting to know your possible partner.
Put your smartphone on “do not disturb”, fill up a glass of wine or open a beer and enjoy your first date remotely! If everything goes well, your real-life second date promises to be less stressful and so much more enjoyable!
Also, if you are living in Toronto my best friend and I are working on a new dating app to find a serious relationship. We called it Peel. We have a new approach to dating, if you like the idea of a serious relationship as much as we do, you can start using the app right now on iOS or Android! 👋